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The Inconvenient Truth Of Fast Food For African Americans
The Inconvenient Truth Of Fast Food For African Americans
February is Black History Month but it'...

Maintaining Healthy Habits: A New Year's Resolution Check-In
Starting a journey towards healthier habits in the new year is a familiar tale for many of us. We...

Maximizing the Performance and Resilience of the Black Athlete: YOUR CHEMICAL CORE™ Vitamins
Is it possible that modern athletes aren't as resilient as in the past?
Are there more injuries ...

Precision Medicine and African American Health
Precision medicine is an innovative approach to tailoring medical treatment to the individual cha...

Many in the Black Community Take Apple Cider Vinegar
Many of my patients report taking apple cider vinegar to treat almost anything! They love it, but...

Race is a Social Construct, But Genetics Goes to the Core of the Problem
23andMe® Can’t Tell Your Race
Some people get really annoyed when I talk about African American h...