Maximizing the Performance and Resilience of the Black Athlete: YOUR CHEMICAL CORE™ Vitamins

Is it possible that modern athletes aren't as resilient as in the past?
Are there more injuries now, or is there just more awareness?
How do you maximize the performance of the modern-day Black athlete? One approach is to start with having a strong core. We have all heard that a strong core is key to resilience. But the true core is not your abdomen (the area between your ribs and your butt); it’s the elemental building blocks (literally the chemicals) that make you function properly. The true core is your CHEMICAL CORE™.
We all recognize that vitamins and minerals are “essential” to the proper functioning of the human body. Without them, we cannot survive. Unfortunately, African Americans have a number of deficiencies, both vitamin and mineral, that we need to replace in order to have the strongest CHEMICAL CORE™.
Untapped Potential
The fact that people of African descent hold a variety of world records in athletics yet still have the highest vitamin and mineral deficiencies speaks to our fitness (even with deficiencies) as well as a significant amount of untapped potential.
There is widespread vitamin D deficiency in the Black community, and vitamin D is linked directly to calcium in your body, and calcium forms the strength of bones. Fractures or other injuries can occur if the bones aren't maximized for performance. These impromptu injuries can derail a future professional athlete.
Young with Strong Bones? Maybe, but Maybe Not
There are a number of fractures that occur on athletic fields across the country on a daily basis. Many of these are related to a prolonged lack of vitamin D in the athletes. People at increased risk for these stress factors include women, older age, taller stature, prior physical inactivity, iron deficiency, menstrual disturbances, and inadequate intake of vitamin D and calcium.
Most athletes with a stress fracture occur below the age of 25. They most commonly occur in basketball, baseball, soccer, aerobics, and, surprisingly, classical ballet. These occur usually in the tibia (leg), the metatarsals of the foot, and the pelvis. It is recommended that athletes with these increased risk of stress factors take up to 2000 international units of vitamin D3 on a daily basis.
Stress Fractures Can Occur to Anyone
Stress fractures are referred to as “overuse injuries caused by a repetitive submaximal bone loading” which means the injury is not from one singular accident like a fall, but instead from repeated stress on one particular bone. The location of the stress fracture varies according to the sport but is most commonly seen in the legs. Vertebral compression fractures occur in the young and old, resulting from compounding weight and repetitive stress on a weakening bone.
As I have written, data shows over four out of five African Americans have vitamin D deficiency throughout their life! Natural ways to increase vitamin D levels are to get much more sun (not realistic in cities in the US), drink vitamin D milk (most African Americans are lactose intolerant), consume more egg yolks, (terribly high in cholesterol), or eat much more “fatty fish” (tuna, maceral, salmon which is a healthy option). The only realistic replacement option for the modern Black athlete is to take a supplement designed to match their nutritional needs.
You've come to the right place . . . GNetX Sequence Multivitamins are the ONLY multivitamin & mineral supplement designed specifically to best meet the nutritional needs of African Americans. CHEMICAL CORE™ Multivitamins like GNetX Sequence is the solution to potential injuries from repeated stress.