GNetX® Sequence Multivitamins
Why Have a Multivitamin Just for Us?
Not all vitamins are created equal
Does it matter which multivitamin I take?

A Multivitamin that considers your genetics
a formula based on the data.
Vitamins and minerals serve an important role in human function. They can form pivotal links for many living processes. In short, we cannot live a healthy life without them. The amount of vitamins we need has been the topic of much debate and varies according to our diet, environment, and genetics.
People living in urban communities get less sun exposure and, therefore, need more vitamin D supplementation. Vitamin K is an essential vitamin that helps our blood to clot. Our community has shown no evidence of vitamin K deficiencies, and in fact, we have the highest amount of blood clotting in the brain (strokes), heart (heart attacks), and leg (deep vein thromboses or DVTs). With no evidence of a need, and a possibility of a risk, why take extra vitamin K?
Doctors learn in medical school about vitamin overdoses or "toxicities" and how to recognize them based on the patient's symptoms. While nutritional companies fill the shelves with "mega" and "super" multivitamins that are packed with "more," GNetX® Sequence Multivitamins provide the right amount and type of vitamins and minerals needed to help support a more balanced and healthy body.

Looking at our Differences
And taking a new direction
Our mission is to provide a multivitamin specifically designed for our needs and considers our dietary patterns, environment, and our genetic and nutritional needs.
Formulating a multivitamin requires closely examining the community and its "inner diversity." We are not the same, yet developing a multivitamin for this diverse community is a tremendous improvement over ignoring obvious and unmistakable differences in vitamin needs.
An array of ailments can increase and decrease health risks associated with your genetic makeup.
A Black physician carefully designed GNetX® Sequence Multivitamins to have more vitamin D, magnesium, potassium, and zinc due to published data that shows that we disproportionately have lower levels of these essential substances. See More.
Additionally, we have decreased or eliminated substances that were likely better off not having based on similar data results.
Vitamin K
Our community is known to have a higher instance of forming blood clots, which can lead to serious conditions. Since there is not a Vitamin K deficiency in the U.S., we saw no reason to include it in our formula given the increased potential risk of blood clots.
Vitamin E
Vitamin E does have many known benefits, but its deficiency is also associated with significant health issues. Research suggests that vitamin E may also be linked to the increased risk of inflammatory ailments. However, studies show that melanated people do not tend to be vitamin E deficient.
Why risk increasing the risk if there is no deficiency?
It is that simple...more of what we need and less (or none) of what they don't need.