Physician Behind the Formula
Greg Hall, MD, is a primary care physician practicing in Cleveland, Ohio for over 30 years. Dr. Hall’s extensive research in the care of diverse racial and ethnic groups led to the development of a multivitamin designed to help supplement our specific nutritional needs. Using precision medicine, he established VitaCode, LLC, and began selling GNetX® Sequence Multivitamins as a landmark in next-generation nutraceuticals.
GNetX® Sequence Multivitamins are not just another multivitamin made by a Black-owned company; the formulation is uniquely different from all other multivitamins. GNetX® Sequence Multivitamins address the research-confirmed vitamin and mineral deficiencies seen in countless clinical studies. By using precision medical research and recognizing our unique supplement needs, including more vitamin D, C, and certain minerals, and identifying the potential harm that other vitamins may pose, like vitamin E, he was able to establish a "precision multivitamin" that helps serve our community.
In addition to heading VitaCode, LLC, the maker of GNetX® Sequence Multivitamins, Dr. Hall founded the National Institute for African American Health (NIAAH), which mentors young Black pre-medical and medical students as they work toward becoming doctors. NIAAH also educates medical providers on best practices when treating Black patients.
You cannot cover the world of genetics, diet, lifestyle, gender, and race in one multivitamin. Yet companies continue to make multivitamins that include everything at an amount best suited for Americans of European descent.
At GNetX Sequence®, we acknowledge that people need tailored amounts of each vitamin based on their diet, genetics, and published population data. That's why we developed our line of "GNetX Sequence® Multivitamins" which uses a precision medicine approach to most closely give African Americans what they need nutritionally.
We need more vitamin D, zinc, magnesium, and other nutrients than is usually provided in a multivitamin . . . and we need less (or none) of other substances. No one else is taking this common sense approach.

Over 30 Years as a practicing physician

Greg Hall, MD is the author of “Patient-Centered Clinical Care for African Americans: A Concise, Evidence-Based Guide to Important Differences and Better Outcomes.” This precision medicine book, written for medical providers and the first of its kind, gives best practices in clinical care for African Americans.
He sees patients daily and is the medical director of a center specializing in the care of African Americans. He lectures nationally with the Pri-Med continuing medical education network and serves on their advisory board.
Dr. Greg Hall has a dual appointment on the teaching faculty at Northeast Ohio Medical University College of Medicine as Associate Professor of both Internal Medicine and Integrative Medical Sciences. He also has an Associate Clinical Professor appointment at Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine.
In 2002, Dr. Hall received a governor’s appointment to the Ohio Commission on Minority Health and served as Chairman until the fall of 2018. He also serves on Ohio Medicaid’s Medical Care Advisory Committee.
Through years of research, study, and medical practice, DrGreg Hall found his purpose — bridging the gap between access to good health and the African American community.