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The Inconvenient Truth Of Fast Food For African Americans
The Inconvenient Truth Of Fast Food For African Americans
February is Black History Month but it'...

Maintaining Healthy Habits: A New Year's Resolution Check-In
Starting a journey towards healthier habits in the new year is a familiar tale for many of us. We...

Maximizing the Performance and Resilience of the Black Athlete: YOUR CHEMICAL CORE™ Vitamins
Is it possible that modern athletes aren't as resilient as in the past?
Are there more injuries ...

A Journey to Recovery and Achieving Better Health
Meet Anjavé Barnes as she she shares her health journey and how her own health emergency lead her down a long road to recovery. She shares the valuable lessons she has learned along the way and hopes to encourage others to share their health stories.

How To Avoid Blood Clots By Managing Your Vitamin K Levels
What Does Vitamin K Do For The Body? Vitamin K makes proteins that are essential for blood clotting and the building of bones. So how much is too much?

The Nerve Of Potassium! How Potassium Works With Your Nervous System
Your body, brain, and muscle functions rely on healthy potassium levels to thrive.