From A to Zinc. How Zinc Boosts Your Immunity

When you think of Zinc, what comes to mind? Maybe it is the cough drops that you had as a kid that contained this mineral. Or does it remind you of physiology and biology class, when it was discussed as the twenty-seventh most abundant element in the earth's crust? Did you know that over three hundred enzymes (representing over fifty types) are found within microorganisms, plants and animals? And that they all require Zinc in order to function? Which is in contrast to many other metals. You see, Zinc is the only metal encountered in each enzyme class. So now that I have blown your mind with scientific facts, here is how taking Zinc daily can help boost your immune system and help you ward off diseases.
Antiviral Solution
Because Zinc is antiviral, it can help ward off the common cold and even shorten the duration of a cold. This is why you see Zinc as one of the main ingredients in cough drops and nasal sprays. Adding a daily dose of Zinc can help boost your immunity which can help prevent you from getting most viral infections, including Hepatitis C, and HIV.
Brain Function
Zinc is essential for brain development and physical function. So having the right amount of Zinc in your diet can help your mental health and improve your mood. And similar to Vitamin D, adequate doses of Zinc can help in the prevention and slowing of Dementia and Alzheimers.
Diabetes Prevention
Did you know that Zinc can lower your risk of diabetes? Because it is known to reduce insulin resistance and can slow the progressions of both type 1 and type 2 diabetes.
A Johns Hopkins study found that genetic differences may account for why Zinc supplements may be more beneficial to some people over others in the prevention and control of diabetes. With African Americans at a higher risk for diabetes, taking Zinc-rich daily Sequence Multivitamins can help prevent insulin resistance.
Prostate Cancer Prevention
The WHO organization conducted a worldwide study that shows African American men are ten times more likely to develop prostate cancer and over three and a half times more likely to die of prostate cancer than men of other ethnicities. Studies also show that increasing Zinc levels can significantly lower these risks.
Zinc Daily Benefits
Zinc can boost your metabolism, increase cell growth, keep your skin healthy and even help protect against acne. Zinc can reduce inflammation in the body and can help wounds heal faster. Zinc is an essential nutrient for the body, but the body does not produce it naturally. Add the right amount of Zinc to your daily diet with daily Sequence Multivitamins and through foods such as kale, mushrooms, beans, poultry, spinach, and more.